
3 Actions Oracle Customers Should Take at the End of a ULA

Of the many complex licensing arrangements Oracle offers to its customers, none seem to generate as much confusion and consternation as the Unlimited License Agreement (“ULA”). For companies that have already determined that they are not going to renew their ULAs with Oracle, the following are a few guidelines to follow to minimize the risks…


Oracle ULAs Require Delicate Balancing

Many larger companies feel an understandable desire to move toward, centralized, enterprise-level software licensing agreements. Such frameworks often have the advantage of allowing licensees to spread their license spends more evenly over the term of the agreement and to focus somewhat less intensely on some software asset management (SAM) obligations. In that vein, Oracle offers…


Unlimited License Agreements for Oracle Products

Technology departments are continuously looking for ways to reduce costs related to software. Many larger enterprises are considering licensing software products on an enterprise-wide basis. For Oracle products, an unlimited license agreement (“ULA”) approach can be beneficial in terms of license management, but the transition from a ULA back to limited licenses can present problems…


Avoid Oracle ULA Termination Risks

Many software publishers recognize that perpetual licenses should be, true to their name, perpetual, and that unless you violate the terms of the licenses they should remain in effect forever. As the licensee, you may not want to use that Microsoft Office 97 license you purchased fifteen years ago. However, if it suits your needs…